Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Subject: Practice News Story #5: Obituary
Posted: 23:33 MT Oct. 3, 2007
Headline: Obituary

In Memory


SALT LAKE CITY— Lance Edward Armstrong, cancer survivor, seven time Tour de France winner, beloved son and father dies today at a LIVESTRONG™ fundraiser event at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

In an attempt to break the land speed record and raise money for his cancer foundation, LIVESTRONG™, Lance Armstrong invited fans, media and the Guinness Book of World Records to the event that took place today in Utah. The event was simple enough as far as Lance was concerned. With his experience as a cyclist and as survivor of many unthinkable life trials, the 10 mile race should have been no challenge to Lance.
The crowd watched hopelessly as a national hero, collapsed inexplicably in the seventh mile. His remains have been taken to the University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City. The cause of death is unknown.

Lance E. Armstrong was born September 18th, 1971 in Plano, TX to Linda Gayle Mooneyham and Eddie Charles Gunderson. He was adopted by stepfather Terry Keith Armstrong in 1974. He was married to Kristin Richard in 1997 and had three children, Luke, Isabelle and Grace.

Armstrong began his athletic career in 1987 as a triathlon participant and found his real niche in 1991 as a cyclist. Lance began competing in Tour de France in 1993, but had to take a break when he was diagnosed with nonseminomatous testicular cancer which had spread to his lungs, abdomen and brain on Oct. 2, 1996. Armstrong underwent surgery and chemotherapy to remove his cancer and returned to cycling in 1998. He then went on to win seven career Tour de France victories.

For more information on his career and cancer foundation visit: or

Lance is survived by his mother, Linda Armstrong; his children Luke, Isabelle and Grace and their mother Kristin.
Funeral services will be held in Austin, TX.

picture from
information cited from

1 comment:

Jay said...

I think it's super funny when people look at these and think they're for real. Awesome job. You know how to write! You did above and beyond what everyone else did. Good job.
p.s. The Chargers better beat the Broncos this weekend!!