Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. Don’t judge people by their color. God, country, self: in that order. The Commander in Chief is always right. Never question the President of the United States of America. Don’t let anyone see your messy house; they will think you don’t respect yourself. Don’t ever be late. Don’t go out in public without makeup on and your hair done. Don’t lie. Always pray to thank God for your blessings. Don’t play with the neighbor kid. Obey your father, no matter what he says. Change your bed sheets every Saturday. Take a bath every day, even if it’s just a sponge bath. Always remove your shoes at a stranger’s house, and remember to wear clean and hemmed socks, incase of just that event. Always be home in the evening and on weekends as they are reserved for family time. No, you may not have friends over during that time, they are not family and are not welcome. Art is the core to your talent; you should paint, because I am good at it so therefore you must be good at it. This is how you act like you care about people. This is how you answer the phone even when you have just been screaming at your children. You are always obligated to your family, even if you don’t want to be. Never let anyone see your flaws. This is how you get people to do what you want them to do. Always eat all the food on your plate, but don’t get fat, like I know you will one day. Failure in anything is not an option. This is how you make marinara sauce, just like your grandmother. A pinch of salt, a little oregano, no... Not like that, oh just move, I’ll do it! Go to church every Sunday. Aren’t you coming? Not today, I have a headache. Don’t trust anyone to do things for you, always do it yourself. This is how babies are made. Sex is nothing to be ashamed of, but you are not to do it. No, you may not get on birth control, why? Are you sleeping with the whole neighborhood? Respect your husband, but only if he does what you tell him to do. A good man will send you on trips to Europe while he works to support you. Stand up straight. Are you putting on weight? Don’t cry it’s not that bad. You’re not going out in public like that? Wait, come back! I can’t believe you would disrespect me this way! Why don’t you want to be with your family?

1 comment:

WildWilly said...

Metta...Were these "impressions" new or are they a reflection of how you have felt for some time?