Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Goodbye Grandma

22 November 2006

Today my Grandmother died.
Two days ago I got a call that she had only a day or two left to live. I was stunned.
She has been around all my 30 years of life. I suppose I thought she would live forever.
I immediately started suffocating from the long deep sobs coming from within me, my vision blurred and I shook fiercely.
I couldn’t speak, even as my children came to my side to see why I was crying, I could not answer their concerned pleas.
My eyes felt as if they would burst from the pressure and my heart was pounding so very heavily.
Five days before I had said to my husband, “I need to go to Seattle. I need to see my grandparents.” I had no reason for this thought, it was just there.
Now, it is too late. I did not get to see her to say goodbye. I will never see her again.

The last time I saw her it was November (Thanksgiving actually) of 1998. That was 8 years ago. The last thing she said to me is “You are beautiful, Bella Metta. All of you are beautiful. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful family.” She was holding my face in her tiny yet strong hand.

Her name was Angelina Mongelli – Ray. She was a beautiful Italian woman with a sweet spirit and always a positive outlook. She used to say “Don’t worry for nothing” In her classic Italian accent. She made the best ravioli you could ever taste. Her and my Grandfather used to go dancing every Saturday night, even after two hip replacements. She loved life so much. I will miss her terribly.

Now this is all I have, this blog which she will never see. I can not hug her one more time; I can not tell her how much she meant to me. All I have is this keyboard and a broken heart.

Good Bye Grandma.
I love you forever.

1 comment:

WildWilly said...

You will see your Grandma Ray again and converse with her; you'll just have to wait till the next life. This is not our home. We are away at school. The "real" school. The life school.