Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Persian Peacock

Metta Ray

LOGAN—Like a peach in a basket of green apples, The Persian Peacock is a rarity in this small Utah town. Located across the street from the Logan Tabernacle, a place of LDS worship, the Peacock has a small storefront with fine-looking lingerie and classy accessories. Although this little shop takes such an unassuming posture, there is still so much unsolicited negativity surrounding it.

Like any specialty shop, Jessica McWhinie, owner of The Persian Peacock, offers a product that is not available just anywhere, so what’s the big deal? “The majority of the people that attack the shop, have never actually stepped foot in the door.” Said McWhinie “Most are operating on an assumption” There was an instance last summer where a woman passing on the street stopped and stuck her head in the door of the shop and told the clerk on duty “I just want you to know I think you store is a disgrace to this town” according to McWhinie.

When entering the locally owned shop a small bell rings and you find yourself in a clean, organized store, surrounded by modern clothing, jewelry, accessories, stickers and fragrances. The ceilings are high and the walls are painted in cheerful colors. The store is quite delightful “We have gone out of our way to make sure our store is not smutty” McWhinie said. There is a pleasant looking clerk at the counter next to the entrance who is happy to help you find whatever you may be looking for. Towards the back of the store you will find night-time apparel for men and women and if you go way to the back, you will see the adult toys that have so many citizens of Logan calling The Peacock a ‘smut shop’. No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the back and unless you go looking for it, you wouldn’t even know the ‘toys’ are there.

The Peacock is a subtle, unobtrusive shop. No one is required to enter unless they want to and no one is required to purchase anything and yet there is still so much negative buzz.
A letter was written to the Peacock in response to an advertisement run in the USU Statesman in January, 2008, featuring an animated ‘pin-up girl”. The letter was from a female student and among other comments, included that she would appreciate it if they would refrain from using “negative and degrading picture[s] of women in the Statesman.” The Peacock owner and staff chose not to respond to the letter at that time, but said that they would never do anything to degrade anyone “We’re strong independent women” McWhinie said. “The picture in the add was not degrading to women, Barbie and boob jobs are degrading to women”

The Persian Peacock now performs ‘home shows’, which are an event where people can invite a representative from the store to come in to their home and give a presentation explaining the uses and benefits of each product available at the store. According to McWhinie “there has been way less negative back-lash since we have started to do home shows” Most of the issues surrounding the “negativity towards The Peacock seems to be focused on ignorance”, McWhinie said “home shows are a chance to educate house wives that things like nipple cream are okay”

1 comment:

dan said...

It's good to hear that the Peacock is still around. It was as much a fixture of my growing up in Logan as Big Toe and La Tienda. Hey Met!