Sunday, March 30, 2008

Modern 'Fairy-Tale'

Slumbering Beauty
By Metta Ray

Depression is a head disease, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain, or at least that is what the doctors would have you think.

* * * * * * *

Beauty was exactly that, a beauty. She lived in a pristine house, with her three aunts who were also beautiful women. They all wore the most glamorous clothes, and had the most recent hairdos; they were manicured and massaged to perfection.

They had everything they could ever need or want. They had Internet and credit cards, television and a home gym, servants to prepare their food and bring them anything they may ever need from the outside world. They never had to work or leave their beautiful house; as a matter of fact this is exactly what bothered dear 15-year-old Beauty.

She stared through the glass at the outside and wanted nothing more than to feel the grass, or the rain, or the wind, but her aunts forbade it. For as long as Beauty could remember, she was not allowed to go outside, she was told that it was too dangerous and that she didn’t need to go out anyway, because anything she needed would be brought to her. There were locks on the doors and windows that only the servants had keys to. This made beauty feel suffocated. It’s not that she didn’t appreciate everything she had she just wanted to do anything for herself.

The eve of her 16th birthday, Beauty felt restless. Her aunts had told her that they had a wonderful surprise for her and that it would be the best thing she had ever gotten! She couldn’t sleep and out of anticipation, she paced through the halls of the house and even though it was the middle of the night and she was supposed to stay in her bedroom, she thought her aunts would understand that she was just way too excited!
She looked in all the obvious places first, trying to find her gift. “What could it be?” she wondered. After all, she had everything already.

As she was on the floor searching for the ‘gift of a lifetime’ she felt a cool breeze on her cheek. She looked up at the direction of the draft and realized that the window above the kitchen sink had been left open by one of the servants!

She froze. She had always dreamt of feeling the grass under her bare feet, but now she didn’t know if she had the guts to take the chance. Beauty considered the punishment she might get from her aunts if she were to be caught, but decided that since it was her birthday tomorrow, they wouldn’t really be that hard on her if she were just to take a quick look. “After all, I’ll be 16 tomorrow. I’m practically grown!” she thought to herself. “Besides, it’s 2 a.m. My aunts won’t even be awake for at least another five hours. They won’t even know I went outside.”

Beauty made her decision and moved quickly and quietly toward the open window. She climbed up on the kitchen sink and took a leap into the cool darkness.

As her eyes adjusted to the blackness of night, she realized that the strange feeling on her feet was exactly what she had wanted for so long. She was standing with bare feet in the cool grass.

She was so very excited, she almost squealed like a child! Beauty caressed the grass with her hands and feet for so long that she began to worry her aunts might miss her. She was reaching for the window sill to pull herself back inside, when she heard something through the hedge on the other side of the lawn. She slowly crept toward the sound, she didn’t want to be seen for fear of being caught, not to mention, she was in her pajamas. As Beauty came closer to the hedge, she could see the cause of the sound.

There he was riding a skateboard ramp under the floodlight of the driveway. He stood taller than her, and wore clothes like the boys on X-Games. She had seen many skate competitions on TV and understood the sport well, and although her aunts usually made her change the channel, she would watch it whenever she could. He had shaggy brown hair and a kind, masculine face.

Beauty tried to get a little closer to improve her view, when a large yellow dog came busting through the hedge at her knocking her down and barking loudly.

Beauty screamed with fright, she had never been this close to a real dog before and she was worried she would be caught disobeying her aunts.

The skater boy suddenly appeared standing over her and holding back the dog by its collar. “Are you okay?” he said with a concerned voice “Rock! Be quiet! Don’t worry, he won’t bite.”
Holding Rock with one hand, he extended the other to help Beauty up.

She stared into his deep blue eyes as he lifted her to her feet. He smelled both like the men’s cologne she had sampled in magazines and the aroma of her gym socks after a hard workout. She liked it.
“I’m just gonna put Rock on his chain, I’ll be right back. Stay here.” The boy said.

Beauty stood in the dark in shock of the events that had just taken place. More had happened in the last ten minutes than had ever happened in her life. She considered going back to the kitchen window, this was way too much. But something held her there. Maybe it was the boy, maybe the excitement, maybe the grass between her toes, but he was back before she had a chance to figure it out.

“Sorry about that. My name is Chance, what’s yours?”
She stared at him in complete amazement. So this is what a boy looks like she thought to herself as she took in all of him. The way he stood, the way he smelled, the way he smiled at her...”Beauty. My name is Beauty”

And just like that, Beauty was in love with Chance.

They sat on the grass through the night talking about everything, sharing their minds and hearts and even tongues.
As the birds began to chirp and the sky began to illuminate, Beauty told Chance of her aunt’s rule about going outside and that she must hurry back in before they woke up.

They shared one last teenage kiss and she promised Chance she would find a way to get back to him that night, even if she had to break a window.

Beauty entered the kitchen window as quietly as she could and made her way back to her bed just in time to hear one of her aunts starting the shower.

“Happy Birthday Beauty!” sang her aunts. She had only just fallen asleep after her midnight rendezvous when her aunts woke her with a large box and a loud song.

She sat up in bed, delirious from the lack of sleep, and smiled thankfully at her aunts. She opened her gift and found a spectacular black evening gown and letter.

The letter told of her past and her fate.

She had been born to wealthy ambassadors who had made a few enemies in their careers. The life of their only child had been threatened when she was an infant, so to preserve her life and ensure a necessary political marriage in the future her parents sent her to live far away with three college friends where the assassins would not find her.

She was to be married to a wealthy debutant and be brought on the day of her sixteenth birthday to Yorkshire to live out her life as the wife of Sir John Banal.

A tear came to Beauty’s eye as her heart sunk with despair. “But, what about Chance?” she pleaded to her aunts.

“There is no chance” Her aunt replied.

Beauty slumbered for years waiting and hoping that Chance would somehow find her.

Of course, the doctors said it was just a severe chemical brain imbalance.

Dark Utah

Dark Utah
By Metta Ray

A new TV program featuring Utah will be coming to primetime television in April 2008 featuring local talent and local folklore.
A team of young entrepreneurs have put together a television series that will be focusing on the darker side of Utah legends. James Cawley, 24, is the director of IN THE DARK STUDIOS based in Logan, and is the creator and director of this series, Dark Utah.
Starting with the famous Logan Canyon Nunnery, the Time Tunnels, and the Bear Lake Monster, this show will “explore the more interesting parts of this historic state [Utah]” says Cawley.
Cawley attended Utah State University in Logan where he earned a bachelors degree in graphic arts/multimedia integration and a minor in directing. He has many projects and businesses including CACHEVIDEO.COM and IN THE DARK STUDIOS. The hostess of the show will be another local individual and USU student. Tasia Hatch, 29, has been brought on to the project as the ‘face’ of Dark Utah. Hatch is an undeclared student at USU and a single mother of three. She recently joined the team “I am very excited to do this” she said “I’ve never done anything like this before, but so far its been great.”
Another part of this project includes a team of interviewers that will be travelling through the state finding stories and interviewing individuals about said mysteries. “Dark secrets and ancient legends have been passed down for generations” said Cawley. “This gives us a lot to film”
Another feature to this new series is the interactivity. Individuals can log on to DARKUTAH.COM and submit their own stories and see investigations and clips from the show. Hatch commented “This show has a lot to offer, from history to horror. I hope people will tune in. They won’t want to miss it.”

The Persian Peacock

Metta Ray

LOGAN—Like a peach in a basket of green apples, The Persian Peacock is a rarity in this small Utah town. Located across the street from the Logan Tabernacle, a place of LDS worship, the Peacock has a small storefront with fine-looking lingerie and classy accessories. Although this little shop takes such an unassuming posture, there is still so much unsolicited negativity surrounding it.

Like any specialty shop, Jessica McWhinie, owner of The Persian Peacock, offers a product that is not available just anywhere, so what’s the big deal? “The majority of the people that attack the shop, have never actually stepped foot in the door.” Said McWhinie “Most are operating on an assumption” There was an instance last summer where a woman passing on the street stopped and stuck her head in the door of the shop and told the clerk on duty “I just want you to know I think you store is a disgrace to this town” according to McWhinie.

When entering the locally owned shop a small bell rings and you find yourself in a clean, organized store, surrounded by modern clothing, jewelry, accessories, stickers and fragrances. The ceilings are high and the walls are painted in cheerful colors. The store is quite delightful “We have gone out of our way to make sure our store is not smutty” McWhinie said. There is a pleasant looking clerk at the counter next to the entrance who is happy to help you find whatever you may be looking for. Towards the back of the store you will find night-time apparel for men and women and if you go way to the back, you will see the adult toys that have so many citizens of Logan calling The Peacock a ‘smut shop’. No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the back and unless you go looking for it, you wouldn’t even know the ‘toys’ are there.

The Peacock is a subtle, unobtrusive shop. No one is required to enter unless they want to and no one is required to purchase anything and yet there is still so much negative buzz.
A letter was written to the Peacock in response to an advertisement run in the USU Statesman in January, 2008, featuring an animated ‘pin-up girl”. The letter was from a female student and among other comments, included that she would appreciate it if they would refrain from using “negative and degrading picture[s] of women in the Statesman.” The Peacock owner and staff chose not to respond to the letter at that time, but said that they would never do anything to degrade anyone “We’re strong independent women” McWhinie said. “The picture in the add was not degrading to women, Barbie and boob jobs are degrading to women”

The Persian Peacock now performs ‘home shows’, which are an event where people can invite a representative from the store to come in to their home and give a presentation explaining the uses and benefits of each product available at the store. According to McWhinie “there has been way less negative back-lash since we have started to do home shows” Most of the issues surrounding the “negativity towards The Peacock seems to be focused on ignorance”, McWhinie said “home shows are a chance to educate house wives that things like nipple cream are okay”

presidential speech

Metta Ray
SPEECH 9/11 Fifth Anniversary
Sept. 11, 2006 President George W. Bush

WASHINGTON—President George W. Bush addressed the Nation today on the anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. He recounted the events of the disastrous attacks on American soil as well as summarizing the work that has been and will be done by the United States government in response to those attacks.
In the speech given from the Oval Office Bush gave the nation an update on the current state of affairs on homeland security and the status of the war in Iraq. “Today, we are safer, but we are not yet safe.” Said Bush in opening to a discussion of the “threat still before us”.
Since the attacks of 9/11 there have been 1.6 million Americans volunteer to the ‘war on terrorism’ and almost 3,000 have died. Bush commented on the determination of his administration. “We will defeat our enemies. We will protect our people. And we will lead the 21st century into a shining age of human liberty.”
What was made clear by the President’s speech was his resolve that the current administration has succeeded on many points. Of the points mentioned were the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the opening of communication lines between law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the tightening of security at airports, seaports and borders, and the monitoring of bank records and phone calls of enemies. “We have broken up terrorist cells in our midst and saved American lives.”
Bush also spoke of the courage and bravery of the rescue workers and victims of the September 11th attacks. “On this day, we remember the innocent who lost their lives – and we pay tribute to those who gave their lives so that others might live.” Bush said “Out of this suffering, we resolve to honor every man and woman lost. And we seek their lasting memorial in a safer and more hopeful world.”

Artist Karen Kunc Visits USU
By Metta Ray

The Department of Art at Utah State University welcomed artist Karen Kunc of Nebraska as part of the Visiting Artist Program Tuesday night.
Her first artwork was created for her mother in third grade. It was a simple flower and butterfly piece, but she has been creating art ever since.
Karen Kunc, Precious Channels, 1983
Using a self analytical thought process, and the geometrical patterning of her surroundings, Kunc is able to construct these vibrant and thought provoking works of art. She uses the “accidents and patterns out of nature” as inspiration, said Kunc.
Using a reduction wood block method, which is the oldest form of printing, consisting of carving patterns into wood and then applying oil-based ink to that wood, she then places paper onto the painted wood and makes a print at which point there is a “sense of magic and revelation” when peeling back the paper, Kunc said.
According to Kunc, the “role of an artist is to make something from nothing” and she uses biological and psychological influences from nature to form her ideas. Although she claims she can’t make anything as beautiful as nature she says she tries to read the “ecological nature message” and be a receptor of things around her.
Different concepts have been used in Kunc’s work; this can be seen when viewing her prints. Her latest work surrounds the idea of negative space. She said she “allowed it to be” when speaking of the use of negative space in her creations. Kunc says her artwork is taking a new direction and she is titling this new work “The Urban-Rural Divide” It is inspired by the “natural flowing urban imbalance”
The down side of using the wood-cut method is the “sacrifice of the natural materials” Kunc commented, that is why she wants her “artwork to have preciousness and preservation”. All materials contribute to the final product, she points out “even paper itself has content”.
Kunc received her BFA from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1975, and her MFA from Ohio State University in 1977. Her work has has been exhibited at the International Print Triennial in Krakow, Poland, and at the 7th Mondial de l'Estampe et de la Gravure Originale, Chamalieres, France. She has won many awards for her artwork including a Fulbright Scholar Award in 1996.
Currently Kunc lives 30 miles outside of Lincoln, Nebraska with her husband Kenny Walton, who is a glass blower. She is a Cather Professor of Art at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she has been teaching since 1983.

USU Smoking Ban

Metta Ray
Students Speak on Smoking Ban

LOGAN, Utah—It has been a whisper around the campus of Utah State University for awhile now. The proposal to ban smoking on campus has been a debate of health versus personal choice and is being considered seriously by USU.
When asking students their opinion on the issue, there are good points on both sides.
Sarah Price, a junior and a sociology and gender area certificate major said “When you take away choice, you take away freedom.” “What are they going to do make people have punch cards to allow how much soda they consume? Drinking soda leads to obesity and obesity leads to heart disease and kidney failure, isn’t that a health concern?” “People go to the TSC patio to smoke because it is covered. If there were designated, covered smoking areas people would go to them. But it rains and it snows and I am not some dog you can shove out into the rain because you don’t like what I’m doing.”
Tasia Hatch, an undeclared sophomore, said “I think it’s ridiculous. If other students don’t want to smell it, don’t go by it. Maybe there should be a designated smoking area.”
Travis Jensen, an undeclared sophomore and non-smoker said “I don’t care if people choose to smoke; I just don’t want to smell it. I’m sure that since it’s in open air the second-hand smoke isn’t going to kill anyone, but I wish there was somewhere else they could go.”
Another student and non-smoker said “It doesn’t really bother me, I know people smoke, but I don’t take much notice.”
Whether designated smoking areas will be built is still undecided, but it would seem that when it comes to student opinion, there is not enough reason to change anything.


Metta Ray

Senator Obama Announces Run for Presidency

Springfield, Ill.—Senator Barack Obama (D) of Illinois gave an inspiring speech and added himself to the 2008 presidential election race.
Commenting on the unpredictable economy, the seemingly unanswerable questions about the nation’s health care system, dependency on oil and the ensuing war in Iraq, “We know the challenges.” Obama said.
Speaking of his plans to unite the nation and change the system of government in America he said, “Each and every time, a new generation has risen up and done what’s needed to be done. Today we are called once more – and it is time for our generation to answer that call.”
Obama used his own life experiences to illustrate the possibilities of each U.S. citizen to help bring about the change needed “By ourselves, this change will not happen. Divided, we are bound to fail” he said “But the life of a tall, gangly, self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible”
Recognizing the possible unoriginality of his comments, Obama said “every four years, candidates from both parties make similar promises”…”That is why this campaign can’t only be about me. It must be about us – it must be about what we can do together.”
After college Obama moved to Chicago and took a job as a community organizer for a group of churches where he worked in some of Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods and was able to see the “skewed priorities of politicians”. Obama then went on to law school, took a job as a civil rights lawyer and taught constitutional law, later becoming the senator of Illinois.
Concluding his speech Obama called for unification “Together, starting today, let us finish the work that needs to be done, and usher in a new birth of freedom on this Earth.”

To read the entire speech visit