Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Total Loss for Pedro's

Practice News Story 2: Fire

Total Loss for Pedro’s
Metta Ray

A fire broke out today at the corner of 21st and Washington in Ogden, Utah.
The fire started in the kitchen of Pedro’s Mexican Restaurant on the ground floor of the building at approximately 2:00 PM

The building is owned by Rachel Calhoun and leased by Pedro Sanchez. Pedro was renting the ground floor, which was a restaurant, and the 2nd floor apartment where he and his brother Miguel Sanchez and two young daughters resided. The top floor was currently vacant.

Miguel and his daughters were home at the time of the fire and were able to escape. Miguel and his daughters have been treated for smoke inhalation at McKayDee Hospital in Ogden.

Pedro Sanchez was in the kitchen of the restaurant when the fire broke out. He said splashing grease on to the open flame that Pedro was cooking on started it. He reports that he tried to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher but the fire was just too big. He sustained burns on both of his hands, which were also treated at McKayDee Hospital.

Deputy Fire Chief Greg Chamberlain said that there is no suspicion of arson but the building is a total loss.
Ms. Calhoun said that there is no reason why the building cannot be rebuilt and that she believes Pedro’s Restaurant will be back in business once again.


Madison Hintze said...
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Madison Hintze said...

Metta, I love reading your blog. You are an excellent writer. You did a great job on this story. It is short and gets all the information out without dragging on. I didn't notice any direct quotes. I sometimes think this can add a little more reality to the article. Great job

Corey Sparks said...

It's very well written and the flow seems to go naturally from paragraph to paragraph. Adding quotes would definitely help give the story more of a human character though.

Jay said...

Great job. You gave a lot of information in the first couple of paragraphs. You had a good flow. Try and get more facts through quotes and remember that this article is supposed to hit the morning after the fire. Good job overall.