Friday, April 17, 2009

Did you ever cry so hard...

Did you ever cry so hard you thought your face was going to split? Like your veins would tear through your flesh and burst spraying blood from your temples? I did.
Did you ever cry so hard you thought your lungs would collapse in your chest? As if your body couldn't take anymore air and even if it could you don't care enough to try? I did that too.
Did you ever cry so hard you thought your brain had melted and was now coming out of your nose in liquid form? And your sinuses were so jammed with pressure that its practically impossible to believe that anything could be liquid in your head except for your tears? Ya, I did that one too.
Did you ever cry so hard that you actually broke blood vessels in your eye tissue and you felt it happen? You couldn't leave the house for days and you suffered from a week long headache? I have.
Did you ever cry so hard that you felt like your stomach was attached to a vibrating motor? Shaking so violently and unsteadily that you think it might just explode out of your mouth in a violent vomiting fit? I did.
Did you ever cry so hard that all you wanted was your daddy to hold you close like he did when you were small and tell you everything was going to be okay? But you can't have him because you broke his heart years ago and he has no more compassion for you? I do.
Did you ever cry so hard that when the sobbing and snot and shaking stops, it all stops? I will.